
Note NOTE: To use the Inbox feature it is required to make Personal IMAP / SMTP configuration in My Profile → IMAP (tab).

If you plan to use global SMTP in Splynx, please configure it in Config → Main → Email and enable Use system SMTP option in My Profile → IMAP (tab):

smtp option

The Inbox feature in Messages → Inbox allows you to add your personal email address into Splynx in order to simplify communication with potential or existing customers. It would be like a simple mail client with a configured mail box via IMAP.

Main window

view_message View message. The option is used to open message in the new window.
reply Reply. The option is available only if the customer/lead with such email address exists in Splynx. After you press Reply sign, you will be redirected to Communication tab of customer/lead profile.
forward Forward. The option is available only if the customer/lead with such email address exists in Splynx. After you press Forward sign, you will be redirected to Communication tab of customer/lead profile.
block_email Block email . The email address will be added to Deny list in My Profile → IMAP (tab) The next newly emails from this address won't be visible in Splynx Inbox.
delete_message Delete message The option to remove message.
pair_to_caustomer_lead Pair to customer/lead. After you press Pair to customer/lead sign and select related account, the email address will be added to Email field of this account.
add_customer_lead Add customer/lead. Using this option, the new customer/lead account can be created in Splynx.
author_not_found This lable will be preset in the subject of the message if customer/lead email address is not related to any customer/lead account in Splynx. Only in such messages the Pair to customer/lead and Add customer/lead actions can be applied.

Filter button is located at the top right corner of the table and can be used to search messages by period or by some text:

Filter button

With the help of the export Export icon at the top right corner of the page you can print or copy the list of the inbox messages or choose to save file in a selected format.