Items (of products)

This is the place where you can see information of the items of your products, manage them and add new ones.


You can edit some additional information or edit existing one here. Press edit button for this.

Edit item

Here you can change Stock location, add or edit Barcode. If you add some photo for the item, it will override a «global» photo of a product (if product has one). You can add/edit Notes.

To add a new item just press Add button and select the needed option for one or multiple items.

Add Items

Add items box

If you want to manage some item(s), you need to check it and press Actions button to select one of the desired options.

Manage items

  • Internal usage – the item is used by your organization

Internal usage

  • Sell – sell the item to the customer. Choose the customer, edit the necessary information and press Sell


  • Rent – rent the item to the customer. Before you can rent some item to the customer – you need to create a recurring plan for this: Tariff plans → Custom → Add plan.

Then go to the item(s), check it, press Rent in the Actions drop-down menu:

Create service

  1. Choose the customer
  2. Select rent plan
  3. Edit the rest of the fields for your needs, press Rent

Rent service will be added for the selected customer (Customer's Information tab → Hardware section):


  • Return – return the item to the stock.

You can return the item to the stock if it has status «in usage» (rent, sold, internal usage). If you need, you can select statuses (Used, New, Broken). Select item(s), choose the status and press Return.


All possible statuses of item: In stock, Internal usage, Sold, Rent, Assigned, Returned. Also, you can see history of every item. For this, press this button History.


When you rent or sell your products to customers you can see it in customer's Information tab in Hardware section.

If you rent some item, customer can see it at the portal (in the section "Services")

Custom service

Also, you can see the video description of Inventory feature in use: