
This is the home of all payments in your Splynx system. All payments made by the customer or for the customer by means of all payment methods available are recorded and displayed here.

Splynx is able to process many different methods of payments, to name a few, cash payments, processing and generating of SEPA payment order, bank statement processing and a wide range of payment gateways (Sagepay, etc.)

The Splynx cash desk module can be used to process payments administratively under a restricted and monitored platform.

For more information on the cash desk module please click here.

The Payments' table in the Finance module displays all different types of payments for a particular period of time according to your selection. You can also range payments by Partner. Under the list of Payments will be a table called "Totals", which will display all types of payments for a particular period of time with a number of payments in each type and amount of money in each type.

Payments Period

Payments selected by you can be Exported into one PDF or CSV file, click on Export button and a window with exporting options will appear, where you can create an export based on the partner, location, or the customer payment type, etc. Here you can also select an export format.


Manual Payments

Manual payments can be added in Splynx without the use or need of an invoice. This is done in the customer profile in Billing → Finance documents. Click on Add document and select Payment from the drop-down list.


A window will appear, where you can select Payment type (Cash, Bank transfer, PayPal, Credit card, Other), add Date of payment, Sum, Receipt Number, Payer, Comment, Note, enter any necessary information in other additional fields:


Once a payment is created, a new credit transaction will be visible in the list of transactions.

In the list of payments, you will find a number of icons in the actions column to execute different actions to the payment.


Actions with Payment:

View View payment

Pdf Open payment in PDF format

Download Download payment in PDF format

Send Send payment via email

Edit Edit payment information

Delete Delete payment