Change Plan from Customer Portal

The variety of Splynx settings complements an out-of-the-box customer portal system to help the customers manage their account. Among other things, the portal lets your customers request the change or change their tariff plans by themselves. The last self-serve option will reduce the need for your customers to contact your support team for their tariff management. As a result it gives you the time to focus on other important aspects of your business. This comprehensive guide reviews the settings that the administrator can adjust to enable or disable certain features.


It's required to have more than one Internet/Voice/Recurring plan in Splynx in order to send a request or change from one service to another. After that double check if the necessary tariff plans are selected in the Tariff plans available in customer portal field of the current customer's plan.

Example: a customer uses 100Mbps as his current Internet service and wants to change it to Ethernet_500Mbps plan or just send the request to change the plan by support representative. To maintain such capability, the administrator should add a new Ethernet_500Mbps plan into Splynx. Then, go back to the list of all Internet tariff plans and near the Ethernet_100Mbps, in Actions column, click on edit (Edit) icon, find the field Tariff plans available in customer portal in drop down list choose newly created plan (-s) - Ethernet_500Mbps and press Save button.

Follow the step-by-step guide to configure the required settings:

Request for tariff plan change

Step 1

Open Config → Main → Portal, click on Per partner settings tab. In case you use the different settings for each Partner, choose the necessary partner the customer is related to. Otherwise, use the Default one. Be sure that in Menu section, in the drop-down list of the field Items, the Services value is selected.

Step 2

Scroll down and find the Services section. In the Internet service field click on drop down list and select which Internet service fields should be displayed on the Customer portal. The value Request tariff plan change must be selected. After that press Save at the bottom of the page.

Step 3

In order to check how it works on the customer side, click on Customers item on the sidebar, in the List on the left sidebar, find the customer with 100Mbps Internet plan and open the profile. On Information tab click on Actions button and in the drop down list choose Login as customer option in order to open the Customer portal with the logged customer.

Step 4

On the sidebar of the Customer portal, click on Services item. The active service (-s) will be visible. In Actions column click on Change plan (Change plan) icon.

In new window we can select the New plan start date, select the New plan (the opportunity to choose the plan is available only when in the field Tariff plans available in customer portal is chosen at least one additional tariff), the Price of change value will be set according to the parameters in Change plan config.

If other plans are not chosen in the drop-down list of the field Tariff plans available in customer portal by the administrator, the customer can still perform the request to change the plan:

After you press Request tariff plan change button, the new window will be opened, the window will be the same as when you create the ticket. Please, write your message or add any other details in this window and press Create button.

The new ticket will be created for the support team in Splynx.

Step 5

The support representative, using the Admin portal, can change the customer's service in their profile. To do that, navigate to Services tab and click on the Change plan (Change plan) icon near the required plan.

Self-change tariff plan

Step 1

Open Config → Main → Portal, click on Per partner settings tab, in case you use the different settings for each Partner, choose the necessary partner the customer is related to, otherwise use the Default one. Be sure that in Menu section, in the drop-down list of the field Items, the Services value is selected.

Step 2

Scroll down and find the Services section, in the Internet service field, click on the drop down list and select which Internet service fields should be displayed on the Customer portal. The value Self-change tariff plan must be selected. After that, press Save at the bottom of the page.

Step 3

In order to check how it works on the customer side, click on Customers item on the sidebar, in the List on the left sidebar, find the customer with Ethernet_100Mbps Internet plan and open the profile. On Information tab click on Actions button and in drop down list choose Login as customer option in order to open portal with logged customer.

Step 4

On the sidebar of the Customer portal, click on Services item, the active service(-s) will be visible. In Actions column click on Change plan (Change plan) icon.

In new window we can select the New plan (the opportunity to choose the plan is available only when in the field Tariff plans available in customer portal are selected multiple ones), the Price of change value will be set according to the settings in Change plan.

If other plans are not chosen in the drop-down list of the field Tariff plans available in customer portal by the administrator, the following warning will be shown on the Customer portal:

After you press Apply button, the new service with will be added in Pending status. The service will be changed automatically on the date specified.


  • Provided that two values (Request tariff plan change and Self-change tariff plan) are simultaneously selected in Config → Main → Portal and no tariffs are chosen in the Tariff plans available in customer portal field of the plan, the customer can still make a plan change request from the Customer portal;

  • In order to change tariff for multiple customers, please use the following guide - Change plan.