Customer documents

In Splynx, it is possible to keep all contracts and agreements for each customer in a digitalized form.

In the Documents section, you can upload documents in any format, offering a secure, organized, and easily manageable way to store customer documents. Additionally, you can generate documents based on predefined templates.


How to upload a document

To upload a document to Splynx, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Upload button located at the top right corner of the table. A pop-up window titled Upload file will appear.

  2. In this window, you can specify a Title for the document and provide a short Description (optional).

  3. Choose whether this document will be Visible to customer on their Portal or if it should be available only for the administrator.

  4. Click on Browse to select the document you wish to upload.

Upload file

As soon as the file is uploaded, it will immediately appear in the Documents list.

Document title

File management

In the Actions column of the table, you will find various actions related to the file, including Edit , View , Download , Send (to a customer), and Delete Icons.

If you upload the file with the Visible to customer option enabled, it will be available for the customer to download on their Portal under the Documents section.

Document list

The customer can download the file from Portal by clicking on the Download icon Download on the right side of the table.

image When you use the Send button to send a message via the Customer Portal, the message will appear in the Messages section, which should be enabled under Config → Main → Portal → (Menu):


How to generate a document

To generate a document in the customer's profile, click on the Generate/Contract button at the top right corner of the table:


In a new Generate Document pop-up window, please specify the document's Title, provide a brief Description (optional), and select whether this document should be made Visible to customer on the Portal.

The Sign contract option will be described in the next section of this article.

Generate documents

There are two options to generate the Document code (the message body) of the document:

  • Option 1: Simply type the desired content in the text window manually, then use the Save as new button to save the typed text as a new document template in Splynx, and finally, click on Generate:

Generate documents

  • Option 2 - you can use one of the saved Templates to create/generate a document. Click on the Template drop-down list, select the necessary template, and then press the Load button. This action will populate the text area with pre-configured content from the selected template. Next, you should provide a Title for the document, a brief Description (optional), and decide whether to make this document Visible to customer on the Portal.

Generate documents

Generate documents

Click on Preview to view the document overall.

Generate documents


image Before utilizing your own templates, it is essential to configure them first in Config → System → Templates. In Splynx, templates are organized by document type. You can add your own templates, customize existing ones, preview them, or remove templates.

Template icon

When the Config → Templates page is opened, select the Documents type from the drop-down list at the top right corner of the page.

Template's types

To create a new template, click theAdd button. In the new window, specify the Title and, optionally, the Description, then insert or type the HTML code for your template.

Use the Check Code and Preview buttons to verify the code's validity and preview the output result. The Placeholders button can be used to quickly insert the necessary variables into the code.

Creating template

More information about templates, placeholders, and variables can be found in these articles:

Contract and its signing by the customer

A customer contract is a legally binding agreement between you and the customer concerning the sale of goods or digital content or the supply of services (with or without goods). You use the traditional post service or email (attachment) to send a contract to the customer and wait for it to return signed. As a result, you are not sure whether the customer has received the contract, read it, or perhaps have already sent it back. Such situation is very common for people in sales and may feel annoying. But there is a solution.

You can create your own contract using the functionality of template and customer can add their 'electronic' signature withing Splynx. Such approach eliminates the costs and hassle of printing, scanning and delivery.

Create a contract template:

  1. Navigate to Config → System → Templates, at the top right corner, select Documentstype in drop-down list;

  2. Click Add button in order to add a new template;

  3. Fill out the fields Title, Description (optional) and Code. Pay attention that in the contract template code should be included the next variables:

To show customer's signature image in contract (required):

<img src="{{signature}}">

To show the signature date (optional):


To show the end of term (optional):


To show the document id (optional):


To show who added the document (optional):




Use Placeholders button to quickly insert the necessary variable into the code and customize your template.


The code example of the Contract you can find here.

After the template code is ready press Save button.

  1. In Customers → List, find the customer to whom the contract should be sent to, open customer's profile, navigate to Documents tab and press Generate/Contract button at the top right corner of the table.


  1. In the new window, click on Template drop-down list to choose the template created on previous step and press Load, the content will be loaded to Document code text area.

Enable the next toggles:

  • Visible to customer - the document will be available on Portal to download by customer;

  • Sign contract - it enables the option to sign contract by customer on Portal;

  • This contract has a term - use this toggle if you contract has any term;

  • Term (month) - in this field you can specify the contract term in month (depends on the service you provide).


Press Generate button to create a contract for the selected customer.


  1. The generated contract will be available for customer on their Portal:


Let's simulate the signing of the contract by customer.

In customer profile, navigate to Information tab and click on Actions drop-down menu, choose Login as customer option to open customer Portal in a new tab of your web browser. Click on Documents items on the sidebar and click on Contract tab. Then, press image (Sign contract) button.

In new window, use your mouse or touch screen to put your signature and press Submit contract button.

If you make a mistake, press Clear button and start from the beginning.


After the contract is signed, the (Signed) label will be added to contract title and the date / time values will be set automatically in Signature date and End of term fields:


The customer can download the signed contract to their local storage:


You may also like: Contract template example